Course: Computer Animation II
This semester’s most important project, took half the semester (~3 months). First one to model our own character, make our own textures, and rig the model to animate.
Since my previous animation was Artie, a male, I decided to pick a female this time, so that I can add the feminine flair that females are so good at. She is some kind of wild tribal huntress hunting a bird. I made her a little cat-like in her design.
I didn’t know how to use nCloth at the time; I tried my best hooking up the loin cloth with joints and reasonable point weighting and fitting it around the body almost every frame. I added a ponytail to showcase my overlapping skill.
Sound effects are from freesound and YouTube. I spent hours and hours and hours listening to bird calls from various parts of the world trying to find the ones in my mind. (I learned that birds fall into categories and so do their bird calls, so if we hear one, we can safely assume what kind of bird it is. Very interesting. o_o) The first bird call we hear is from the Spur-Winged Lapwing/Plover; and I used three different ones for the angry birds portion which are the Dabchick/Little Grebe, Slavonian Grebe, and European Starling. Don’t point out the possibility that these birds are probably not indigenous to wherever the heck the setting is, because I merely went for the distinctive sounds.
Sit-Stand -character
Done in Autodesk Maya, partially modeled in ZBrush, textures in Photoshop, rendered in Renderman, composited in Adobe Premiere.
Completed in 2014 May 5.